Roti – Thailand Street Food

Roti – The Street Food Dessert

Roti is a street food in Thailand. This hot and flaky Roti tops with condense milk is a taste to die for. Roti can be stuffed with stuffing like fruits or some people will like it with egg.

  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 egg large
  • 250 ml water
  • 500 g all purpose flour
  • 55 g unsalted butter (room temperature)
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter (coating the dough)
  • 1 tbsp oil (coating the dough)
  1. Add salt, water, egg and condensed milk into a bowl. Mix well and set it aside.

  2. In a mixing bowl add flour, beat at medium speed with bread hook

  3. Gradually add liquid mixture. Beat for 15 minutes.

  4. Remove from mixture and knead by hands for another 10 minutes or until not stick to hands.

  5. Cover the bowl and let the dough settle for 15-20 minutes

  6. Kneed for 5 more minutes let the dough settle again. Repeat the step for 3 more times.

  7. Prepare coating liquid by adding melted butter and oil together

  8. After the dought settle for the 5th times, kneed again for 5 minutes,

  9. Divide dough into 16 equal balls

  10. Coat pan and each balls with melted butter and oil and put balls in a 9×9" pan

  11. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and set it aside for 2-3 hours, leave it overnight is best.

  12. To fry dough, flatten the ball into thin sheet

  13. Put oil in a pan with medium high heat

  14. Put flattened dough in to hot pan. Fry until golden. Flip and fry other side.

  15. When dough is fully cooked. Topped with sweet condensed milk